It has been proven that a great looking lawn can increase the market value of your home by up to $75,000*.
Sir Walter Turf
There has been 60,000,000 square metres of Sir Walter Buffalo Grass laid around the Nation firmly planting itself as Australia’s number 1 favourite Buffalo lawn. The Adaptability of this variety is one of its main strengths; it will grow well from the cool tablelands to the dry west and the tropical north. Many homes throughout Australia have used the Sir Walter lawn as a means to improve their home value and many real estate signs will now show the lawn name of Sir Walter in the advertising material due to the strong brand and performance. Due to its popularity Nationwide, a Sir Walter lawn has been known to increase a property’s value. If on a budget you could consider a Couch lawn such as Oz Tuff Sports Grass or Wintergreen Couch Grass however if any area receives more than 2-3 hours shade per day then the lawn will die off and the investment a waste of money, so ensure you don’t get caught out focusing on the budget over value for money! *Turf Australia Media Release learn more