Why is Zoysia Turf expensive but worth it?

lush green grass in the backyard of a house

Zoysia grass has been developed using the latest plant breeding technology to create a grass that delivers quality all year round.It is shade tolerant and hardy. It is a slower growing grass which means it is low maintenance. Couch is three times faster (so three times more mowing).  It is designed to require less watering and less fertiliser.

So whilst more expensive at the beginning it lowers your overall cost of investment.

The grass has been specifically bred for our conditions. It much more tolerant of insect attack, very disease tolerant and has the ability to compete with weeds because of its inch thick thatch type surface growth habit. When you mow it, it doesn’t scarf up. It doesn’t leave to those white patches following mowing.

So whilst it is expensive it is the perfect turf for Brisbane and the rest of South East Queensland.