Why Go With Real Turf Over Artificial Turf

Why Go With Real Turf Over Artificial Turf

Australia is renowned for its outdoor lifestyle, where the backyard is an extension of our living spaces. As a homeowner, the choice between real turf and artificial turf is significant. In this blog, we’ll delve into why real turf is the superior choice over artificial turf, especially for Australian homeowners.

Real Turf vs Artificial Turf: The Natural Advantage

The fundamental difference between real turf and artificial turf lies in their composition. Real grass is a living organism that contributes to the ecosystem, while artificial turf is a synthetic product. This distinction leads to several advantages for real grass.

Environmental Benefits

Real turf plays a crucial role in the environment. It acts as a natural air conditioner, cooling the surrounding areas, which is a significant advantage in Australia’s often harsh climate. Real grass also contributes to carbon dioxide absorption, enhancing air quality and producing Oxygen. Unlike artificial turf, which can heat up significantly under the sun, real grass maintains a much cooler temperature, making it more comfortable for outdoor activities.

Health and Wellness

The health benefits of real grass are often overlooked. Real grass turf provides a natural and safer playing surface for children and pets. It’s softer and less abrasive than artificial turf, reducing the risk of injuries during falls. Furthermore, being in a natural green space has been linked to reduced stress levels and improved mental well-being.

Aesthetics and Feel

There’s an undeniable appeal to a lush, green lawn that artificial turf struggles to replicate. Real grass has a natural variation in colour and texture that adds depth and beauty to any garden. The feel of real grass underfoot is also unmatched by any synthetic alternative. This sensory experience enhances the overall enjoyment of your outdoor space.

Real Grass vs Artificial Turf: Maintenance and Longevity

Maintenance: More Than Meets the Eye

The maintenance of artificial turf often gets oversimplified. While it’s true that it doesn’t require traditional lawn care practices like mowing or watering, this doesn’t mean it’s maintenance-free. Artificial turf needs to be brushed and rinsed regularly to keep its appearance and prevent matting. Debris such as leaves and twigs must be removed to avoid damaging the surface.

Pet owners face additional challenges with artificial turf. It can harbour bacteria and unpleasant odours if not cleaned properly, necessitating the use of specialised cleaning agents. Furthermore, the heat absorption of artificial turf can be uncomfortable for pets during warmer months, as the surface temperature can be significantly higher than that of real grass.

On the other hand, real grass turf, while requiring more traditional maintenance like mowing, watering, and fertilising, offer numerous environmental benefits. 

This maintenance can be a therapeutic activity, promoting a connection with nature and physical activity. Mowing and caring for a lawn can be a satisfying experience, offering a sense of accomplishment and a deepened connection to one’s environment. The process of watering and nurturing real grass also instills a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment.

Longevity: A Sustainable Approach

Discussing the longevity of real grass versus artificial turf is crucial. Real grass, with proper care and maintenance, can thrive for years, continually renewing and repairing itself. This natural resilience means that a well-cared-for lawn can last indefinitely, adapting to changing conditions and even improving soil quality over time. Real grass also can recover from damage, whether from environmental factors or physical wear and tear.

Artificial turf, despite its durability, has a finite lifespan, typically between 8 to 15 years. 

After this period, its appearance and functionality diminish, necessitating replacement. The disposal of artificial turf is a significant environmental concern. Being made from synthetic materials, it is not biodegradable and can contribute to landfill waste. This aspect is often overlooked when considering the long-term environmental impact of choosing artificial turf over real grass.

Moreover, the manufacturing and transportation of artificial turf contribute to its carbon footprint. The production process involves the use of plastics and other chemicals, while transportation adds to greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, real grass turf has a much lower environmental impact in production and can even sequester carbon, contributing positively to the environment.

Artificial Turf vs Real Grass: Cost and Value

Initial Investment and Long-term Expenses

When evaluating the costs associated with artificial turf and real grass, it’s essential to look beyond the initial investment. Artificial turf typically has a higher upfront cost due to the materials and installation process. This investment is often justified by the perceived lack of ongoing maintenance costs. However, this perspective fails to consider the long-term financial implications.

Artificial turf may not require the regular maintenance that real grass does, but it’s not entirely free of expenses. Cleaning supplies, water for occasional rinsing, and potential repairs for wear and tear or damage can add up over time. Furthermore, the replacement costs of artificial turf, considering its finite lifespan, should be factored into long-term financial planning.

Conversely, real grass, while having a lower initial installation cost, does incur regular maintenance expenses such as mowing, watering, and fertilising. However, these costs can be significantly reduced through sustainable practices. For example, implementing rainwater harvesting systems for irrigation can dramatically lower water usage costs. Additionally, organic lawn care practices can reduce the need for chemical fertilisers and pesticides, further decreasing maintenance expenses and enhancing environmental sustainability.

Property Value and Aesthetic Appeal

The impact of real grass on property value is an aspect that merits attention. A lush, well-maintained real grass lawn enhances the curb appeal of a property, making it more attractive to potential buyers. This natural aesthetic is difficult for artificial turf to replicate. The tactile and visual appeal of real grass, along with the benefits of a natural environment, can play a significant role in boosting the overall value of a property.

Moreover, real grass offers flexibility in landscaping that artificial turf does not. Homeowners can choose from a variety of grass types to suit their specific climate and soil conditions, allowing for a customised appearance. This adaptability contributes to the aesthetic diversity and appeal of real grass, further enhancing its value in terms of property aesthetics.

Environmental Value

The environmental value of real grass should not be underestimated. In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, the ecological benefits of real grass add to its overall value. 

Real grass contributes to carbon sequestration, supports biodiversity, and aids in soil preservation. These environmental benefits are critical considerations for homeowners who are environmentally conscious or who want to contribute positively to their local ecosystem.

In contrast, the environmental costs associated with artificial turf, from production to disposal, can detract from its overall value. While it may offer some benefits in water conservation, these are often offset by its synthetic nature and the environmental impact of its production and eventual disposal.

Choosing Australian Lawn Concepts for Your Real Turf Needs

At Australian Lawn Concepts, we understand the importance of choosing the right turf for your home. As a leading supplier of turf in Australia, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality real grass turf that is suited to the unique Australian climate. Our team is dedicated to working with you to design and install all your landscaping projects.

We also offer expert advice on lawn care to ensure that your real grass maintains its beauty and health. Whether you are a homeowner looking to enhance your outdoor space or embarking on a new landscaping project, Australian Lawn Concepts is your trusted partner in achieving the perfect lawn.

Real Grass Vs Artificial

The choice between real turf and artificial turf is clear. The environmental, health, aesthetic, and economic benefits of real grass far outweigh the perceived conveniences of artificial turf. By choosing real turf, you’re not just selecting a lawn; you’re investing in a living, breathing part of the ecosystem that enhances your home and the environment.

Embrace the natural beauty and benefits of real grass. Contact Australian Lawn Concepts today to learn more about how we can assist you in creating the perfect outdoor space for your home.