Turf Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Solutions

Turf Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Solutions

Having a lush green lawn is the pride of many Australian homeowners. However, maintaining healthy and vibrant turf can sometimes be a challenge, as various issues can arise that affect its overall health and appearance. 

In this blog, we will explore some common problems that can affect turf health, including pests, diseases, weeds, and environmental factors, and provide practical solutions to overcome them. If you’re a homeowner striving to maintain a thriving lawn, keep reading for valuable insights.

Common Turf Problems and Solutions


Pests can wreak havoc on your lawn, causing damage to the grass blades, roots, and soil. Common culprits include beetles, armyworms, ants, and mites. If left unchecked, these pests can lead to brown patches and thinning turf.

Regular inspection and early detection are vital. Consider using natural pest control methods, such as introducing beneficial nematodes, or opt for chemical solutions when necessary. Always follow the instructions carefully to ensure the safety of your lawn and the environment.


Various diseases can affect turfgrass, like brown patch, dollar spot, and rust. These diseases can cause discolouration, wilting, and even death of the grass if not addressed promptly.

Proper lawn care practices, such as mowing at the correct height, watering deeply and infrequently, and aerating the soil, can promote a healthier turf and reduce disease susceptibility. Fungicides may also be used, but prevention is often the best cure.


Weeds are persistent invaders that compete with your turf for nutrients, water, and sunlight. They can quickly overtake your lawn and create an unsightly appearance.

Regularly mow your lawn at the recommended height for your turfgrass type, as taller grass shades out weed seeds. Use pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weed seeds from germinating and spot-treat any existing weeds to minimise their spread.

Environmental Factors

Environmental stressors, such as extreme heat, drought, or heavy rainfall, can take a toll on your turf’s health.

Choose turfgrass varieties that are well-suited to your local climate. Implement proper watering practices, like deep watering in the early morning, to ensure the roots stay hydrated. Mulching can also help retain soil moisture during hot and dry periods.

Dealing with Shade and Sunlight

Many Australian homeowners face challenges when their lawns are exposed to varying degrees of shade or intense sunlight. Understanding how to adapt your lawn care practices to these conditions is essential for maintaining healthy turf.

If your lawn sees limited sun, choose shade-tolerant turfgrass varieties and avoid overwatering in shaded areas to prevent fungal issues. Prune overhanging trees or bushes to allow more sunlight to reach the grass.

In areas with intense sunlight, opt for drought-resistant turfgrass varieties and provide sufficient water during hot periods. Consider using shade cloth or planting shade-providing trees strategically to protect the lawn.

Managing Lawn Traffic

High foot traffic areas, such as walkways or play areas, can lead to compacted soil and worn-out patches on the lawn. Learn how to manage these high-traffic areas effectively by doing things like installing stepping stones or walkways to redirect foot traffic away from the lawn. You could also consider using turfgrass varieties that can tolerate heavy use, like Couch grass or Buffalo grass.

Winter Lawn Care

Winter in Australia can bring its own set of challenges for lawn care. Learn how to prepare your lawn for the colder months and keep it healthy during this period.

Fertilise your lawn appropriately in autumn to help it store nutrients for the winter. Avoid heavy foot traffic and minimise mowing during dormancy. Covering delicate plants with frost cloth can provide protection during frosty nights.

Pet and Wildlife Damage

Pets and wildlife, such as birds or possums, can cause damage to your lawn through digging, feeding, or waste. Train pets to use designated areas for their needs. Use repellents or deterrents to discourage wildlife from damaging the lawn.

Newly Laid Turf Problems

When installing new turf, certain issues may arise during the establishment phase.

Root Establishment

Newly laid turf needs time to develop strong root systems, which can be vulnerable to damage. Avoid heavy foot traffic on newly laid turf until the roots have firmly established. Water the turf daily during the establishment phase to promote healthy root growth.

Weed Infestation

Weeds can quickly take advantage of bare soil in newly laid turf. Prior to turf installation, ensure the soil is properly prepared, free of weeds, and apply pre-emergent herbicides as a preventive measure. Hand-pull any weeds that manage to sprout.

Fertiliser Burn

Over-fertilisation or uneven distribution of fertiliser can result in fertiliser burn, causing yellow or brown patches. Follow the recommended fertilisation schedule for your turfgrass type and use a spreader to apply the fertiliser evenly. Water the lawn thoroughly after fertilisation to prevent burn.

How to Avoid Common Lawn Problems

To keep your turf in top condition, follow these general tips:

Proper Mowing

Mow at the recommended height for your turf grass species and avoid removing more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. Regular mowing encourages healthy growth and prevents thatch buildup.

Appropriate Watering

Water deeply and infrequently to promote deep root growth and drought tolerance. Avoid watering in the evenings to prevent disease development.


Regular aeration helps reduce soil compaction, allowing nutrients and water to reach the roots more effectively.

Soil Testing

Conduct soil tests to determine nutrient deficiencies and pH levels. Based on the results, apply the appropriate fertilisers and soil amendments.

Seasonal Maintenance

Adjust your lawn care practices according to the seasons, as the needs of your turfgrass can change throughout the year.

Maintaining a healthy lawn requires vigilance and a proactive approach. By identifying and addressing common turf issues promptly, you can ensure your lawn remains green and vibrant throughout the year. Remember, prevention is often the best strategy. A well-maintained lawn is typically less susceptible to problems.

If you ever face challenges in managing your turf or need professional advice on landscaping projects, the team at Australian Lawn Concepts is here to help. As a leading supplier of turf in Australia, we can assist you with turf selection, and installation, and provide expert guidance on lawn care and troubleshooting. Contact us today to explore our services and take the first step toward a beautiful and healthy lawn.