Introducing Sapphire Buffalo Lawn. Upgrade to the unparalleled elegance of a Sapphire Buffalo Lawn.

Introducing Sapphire Buffalo Lawn. Upgrade to the unparalleled elegance of a Sapphire Buffalo Lawn.

Transform your outdoor space into the lush deep emerald tone of Sapphire Buffalo. Its vibrant color creates a picturesque backdrop for your home.

Soft, Inviting Texture: Say goodbye to coarse, scratchy lawns! Sapphire Buffalo Lawn boasts a soft and inviting texture, creating a comfortable and enjoyable space for your family and pets. It’s perfect for barefoot walks, outdoor play or just enjoying the view.

Drought Resistance: Conserve water without compromising on beauty. Our Sapphire Buffalo Lawn is engineered to thrive in a variety of conditions with good drought-resistance. Enjoy a green lawn year-round.

Low Maintenance: Time is precious, and we understand that. Sapphire Buffalo requires minimal maintenance, saving you both time, effort and money.

Order today on 07 5541 7000.