How Long After Laying New Turf Can I Mow?


When Should You Mow Newly Laid Turf?

If you’re a homeowner or gardener who has just had new turf laid, you may be itching to mow it. However, before breaking out the lawnmower, it’s important to understand how long after laying new turf, you can mow. You may be uncertain about mowing new turf for the first time, so we put something together as lawn experts for you. This blog post will walk you through when and how to mow your newly laid turf.

What Happens if You Mow Too Soon?

Before mowing a newly laid turf, giving it enough time to root and settle is essential. To mow as soon as you lay the turf would only damage it instead of giving it the nourishment it needs.

New turf is sensitive to mowing in its early stages. If mowed too soon, there’s a chance that some areas of the lawn might not grow back correctly. This could lead to bald patches and an uneven-looking lawn later in life.

How Long After Laying Turf Can You Mow? 

The first step is understanding that different types of turf require different amounts of time before the first mow and, depending on the season, the establishment period may vary. For example, warm-season grasses such as Couch grass, Buffalo, and Zoysia grass need more time in the winter months to establish than in the summer months. Establishment in winter may take up to 6 weeks before new turf is ready to be mowed whereas as little as 2 weeks in summer.

Generally speaking, Mowing is recommended when the turf cannot be lifted, or as a guideline, 10-14 days after installation in warm or 14-28 days in cold weather. Mow when the turf is dry, and ensure your mower blades are sharp. It’s important to note that these are only general rules; some grasses may need more or less time depending on the weather and other factors.

How much can you mow?

Mowing a newly laid turf too soon can harm its growth, so generally, you should wait before undertaking the job. At this point, the grass should be a little higher and will be more resilient when it comes to being cut or trimmed.

If you are using a rotary mower, use a criss-cross pattern for cutting, with multiple passes rather than one complete run over your turf. Make sure to adjust the length of your blades to help ensure that no more than 1/3 of the total height of the grass is cut during each mow; any more could result in serious stunting of your newly laid turf’s growth. Remember that you must maintain a suitable height for your turf as stated in the lawn characteristics.

If you are unfamiliar with these specifications, feel free to contact our specialists.

Cutting more than the recommended height will stress out the root system while it is still trying to establish itself. Your lawnmower should have sharp blades; dull blades can tear and damage your new turf instead of cutting it cleanly and evenly. Finally, consider gradually increasing the length of each successive cut. This will ensure that your turf stays healthy even as it grows taller over time.

Any Tips On Mowing New Turf For The First Time?

Mowing new turf for the first time can be daunting, but you can do a few things to make the process easier.

  1. The first thing you need to do is select the right mower for the job. If you have a small lawn, a push mower will suffice. However, you may need to consider a ride-on mower if you have a large lawn.
  2. Once you have selected the right mower, it is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before operating the machine. This will ensure that you are using the mower correctly and safely.
  3. Once you have the right mower, you need to figure out the best time of day to mow your lawn. The best time to mow is in the early morning or evening when the grass is cooler, and the sun is not as intense.
  4. When mowing new turf, mowing in a pattern is important, so you don’t miss any spots. For the first couple of mows, mowing in the same direction as the turf was laid will help prevent scalping.
  5. Be sure to set your mower’s blade to the correct height before mowing. The general rule of thumb is to set the blade at one-third of the grass’s height.
  6. It is also important to make sure that your lawn is free of debris before mowing. This includes sticks, stones, and leaves.
  7. When mowing new turf, starting with a small area and gradually working up to larger areas is best. This will help you understand how the mower handles and prevent you from accidentally damaging your lawn.
  8. Be sure to take your time when mowing new turf and avoid rushing through the job. Rushing can lead to mistakes that can damage your lawn or cause injury.
  9. Once you have finished mowing, it is important to clean up any clippings that are left behind. This can be done using a rake or a catcher attachment on your mower. Leaving clippings on your lawn can smother the grass and lead to brown patches.

Mowing your newly laid turf might seem daunting, but with a bit of research beforehand and following best practices, it doesn’t have to be once you begin!

Different types of grass require different amounts of time before they are ready for regular mowing, and when you do start mowing regularly, make sure not to cut off too much at once or use dull blades. Mowing frequently will help produce a healthy, lush green lawn. With these tips in mind and a bit of patience during those initial weeks, you’ll soon have a beautiful lawn!  

If you’d like a copy of our Maintenance Guide, please click here. You can also check our list of lawn care products to help with your lawn maintenance.